Import DBF files into Excel

The following Instructions are based on using Microsoft Excel 2010, but it's much the same in newer versions of Excel

After exporting the DBF files from your Vision search

Report Output DBF

Open Microsoft Excel

Click the Data tab

Go down to "From Other Sources"

Click "From Microsoft Query"

Open Microsoft Query

Select Visual FoxPro Database

Click OK

Make sure "Use the Query Wizard to create/edit queries" is selected at the bottom of the screen

Choose Data Source

Select Free Table Directory

Click the Browse button

Now locate the folder where all the exported DBF are.
(This is the folder you selected when you exported the data from the Vision 3 search.)

Click OK

The "Path" should now show the folder location to look in.

Configure connection

You should now see the DBF database tables displayed in the left window.

Expand the tables using the plus symbol to see the columns of data in each table.

Choose Columns

Double-click on the column names from any of the expanded tables, that you would like to see in your final Excel report.

They will then show in the right window area.

Alternatively, use the arrows located on the middle bar to add/remove column names

Click Next when you have all you need

Note: you can also change the order of the items in the right window using the up/down arrows

Add columns

If you have selected data from multiple tables a message will appear asking you to manually create the join, as Excel doesn't know what the unique identifier is in each table.

Click OK

Join Prompt

Microsoft Query will now open

Locate the "pat_id" in each of the tables

Then drag one of the pat_id's and drop it on the other pat_id in the other table to create a join line between them.

You will see that once this join has been made, the patient data will change in the bottom table.

Finally click the File menu (in MS Query) and select "Return the data to Microsoft Excel"

Query Join
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